Monday, March 2, 2009

Today marks the day that Dan and I first started dating. History was made with a note asking me to be his girlfriend...not the most romantic thing in the world, but very sweet. The only things missing were the boxes to check by YES or NO. Obviously I said yes. 10 years, 4 kids, 2 cats, and a dog later we are still very much in love. Happy Dating Anniversary Dan! Love you!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The last three weeks have been nothing but a blurr to me. I can hardly remember what happen yesterday let alone what we did last Saturday. Today I did remember something funny that happen the day I went in to deliver Charlie.
My Mom drove me to the hospital which is about 30 mins away. We arrived about 6 a.m. Dan was supposed to drop the girls off at a friend of ours for the day and then drop Jake off at school. The plan was for Dan to get there about 830. Well, the doc came in and broke my water and 830 came and went. Mom called to find out where Dan was. He answered the phone and was really short with her on the phone. He finally arrive about 9 and came in and sat down like nothing was wrong.
A few mins later he lets us all know that he was speeding and got pulled over. The obvious question was whether or not he got a ticket or not. He said "No, I told the cop my wife was having a baby and that is why I was speeding." totally true but the officer was leery since Dan was all alone. The cop ran Dan's info and let him go with a warning that he was going to call the hospital to make sure his story was true.
Leave it to Dan to get pulled over the day he was not supposed to be late. I couldn't be mad at him because the whole thing was too funny to me.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I was talking to my Mom yesterday. She was telling me about a conversation her and Dan had earlier this week. They were talking about another family member who had a baby this week and had to have a c-section. Apparently Dan told my Mom that he didn't think that was right. He said he has a greater appreciation for me after watching me deliver 4 times. He said there couldn't be any comparison.
I don't know much about c-sections...I do however have some experience in regular vaginal delivery. I don't see how there could be any comparison. I know in some cases it can't be avoided but there are those who opt for a c-section for convienince. I don't agree with that, but who am I to judge? I am sure your body goes through a though time regardless of how you give birth. I was glad to know that Dan appreciated what I had done. He is finally starting to get it now...after 4 kids. I'm thankful for that!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

You know its really annoying when your foot starts to itch when you are driving down the road. Itching through tennis shoes is almost impossible. Taking the shoe off to itch it on the break peddle is almost as hard...but once you get that damn shoe off it's the best feeling in the world!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Charles Raymond Reiling

Born January 30, 2009

3:37 p.m.

Weight: 9lbs 5ozs

Lenght: 21 inches

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I went to the doc on Monday and found out that I am 3 cm already. I was really excited because I was never dialated until the last possible min with all the other kids. I haven't been having any contractions this week until this afternoon. I am thankful for this because it means there will be less work to do on Friday when I go in for induction. Which means the doc is just going to break my water and then we wait. The bad part about the contractions are, they are pretty painful and irregular. This means it is not time to rush to the hospital just yet...but things are getting close.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Last night I actually had control over the remote. I was flipping through and saw the beginning of the show 17 and Counting. Which is now 18 and Counting. The Duggar Family pisses me off and amazes me all at the same time.
I think it is great that the family is so traditional and stands up for their moral values. The episode that I was watching was about their oldest sons wedding. The new couple pledged not to be intimate until they were married. They didn't even kiss each other until they said "I do.". Hand holding and hugging is all they were allowed to do. I think it is great that they were able to make it that long without dry humping each other.
I just don't know if I would expect the same out of my own kids. Intimacy is such an important part of a relationship. I would hate for that to be a reason to end a marriage. Of course I don't want my kids whoring around, but I want them to be happy. Maybe I will change my mind once my girls get older but as for now I am all for premarital relations.
The part of the show that really pisses me off is listening to the parents whine about the older girls not being around of a few days. I don't think that it is fair to depend on your older children to raise your smaller children. What kind of a childhood is that? No wonder no of them want to have sex. Seems to me these parents are selling out their own kids in order to have even more kids and be on t.v. Someone is scanning the system.